This is a preliminary collection of posters accepted for the workshop. Please check back frequently for updates.

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AMBUR-HVA: A New Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Tool for Regional Coastal Resiliency Planning

Clark R. Alexander, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
Scott Howard, South Carolina Geological Survey
Chester Jackson, Georgia Southern University
John M. Jaeger, University of Florida
J. P. Walsh, East Carolina University
Reide D. Corbett, East Carolina University
Jessica Boynton, SCDHEC - Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
Julie Dennis, Florida Dept. of Economic Opportunity
Jennifer Kline, GDNR– Coastal Resources Division
Ken Richardson, NCDNER -Division of Coastal Management

Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT)

Rick Luettich, Institute of Marine Sciences, UNC-Chapel Hill
C. Reid Nichols, Southeastern Universities Research Association
Becky Baltes, Integrated Ocean Observing System, NOAA

Enhancing Coastal Resilience through Trans-disciplinary Collaboration

C. Reid Nichols, Southeastern Universities Research Association, Washington, D.C.
L. Donelson Wright, Southeastern Universities Research Association

Health Impacts of Sea Level Rise in Southeast Florida

Keren Prize Bolter, Florida Atlantic Center for Environmental Studies
Adam Chapman, Florida Atlantic Center for Environmental Studies

Matrix Approach to Coastal Community Resilience Assessment

Cate Fox-Lent, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Concord, MA
Matthew E. Bates, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Concord, MA
Igor Linkov, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Concord, MA

Sea Level Rise Indicators in Broward County: A Quick Look at Tidal Records and Recurring Flood Events

Samantha Danchuk, Environmental Planning & Community Resilience Division, Broward County
C. Reid Nichols, Southeastern Universities Research Association, Washington, DC
L. Donelson Wright, Southeastern Universities Research Association, Washington, DC

Sea Level Rise Misconceptions in Broward County, FL

Keren Prize Bolter, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL