Syllabi from 2015
FREN 1002, Maria Christina Bucalan
FREN 1002, Madeleine Hollier
FTA 1000, Beau Bratcher
FTA 1005, Tony French
FTA 1100, Diane Baas
FTA 1110, Kevin Graves
FTA 1110, Kevin Griffith
FTA 1300, David Brown
FTA 1300, Sarah Beth James
FTA 1620, Alaina Boyett
FTA 1800, Diane Baas and Kevin Griffith
GEOG 1001, Peter Yaukey
GER 1001, Pia Köstner
GER 1001, Pia Köstner
GER 1002, Pia Köstner
GER 1002, Pia Köstner
HIST 1001, James Mokhiber
HIST 1002, C. Candy
ITAL 1001, Eliza Ghil
ITAL 1002, Eliza Ghil
JAPN 1001, Noriko Sasaki Lastrapes
JAPN 1002, Noriko Sasaki Lastrapes
MATH 1002, Tumulesh Solanky
MATH 1003, Pat Sue McReynolds
MATH 1021, Pat Sue McReynolds
MATH 1031, Andrew Dodds
MATH 1031, Mary L. Thomas
MATH 1032, Mary L. Thomas
MATH 1115, L. Hodges
MATH 1115, L. Mancuso
MATH 1116, Kewen Yao
MATH 1125, L. Mancuso
MATH 1125, Judith Nowalsky
MATH 1126, T. Spahn
MUS 1000, Caroline Carson
MUS 1000, Caroline Carson
MUS 1003, Brent Rose
MUS 1101, Brent Rose, Raymond Gitz, and Robin Williams
MUS 1407, Robin Williams
MUS 1511, Caroline Carson
MUS 1900, Brent Rose
MUS 1902, Steve Masakowski
MUS 1902, Edward Petersen
MUS 1904, Caroline Carson
MUS 1905, Caroline Carson
MUS 1908, Charles Taylor
NAME 1170, Leila Marshall
PHIL 1000, Clarence Mark Phillips
PHIL 1000, Clarence Mark Phillips
PHIL 1000, Frank Schalow
PHIL 1000, Chris W. Surprenant
PHIL 1101, Robert Stufflebeam
PHYS 1005, C. Gregory Seab
PHYS 1031, Ashok Puri
PHYS 1032, C. Gregory Seab
PHYS 1033, Manish Kumar Kothakonda
PHYS 1034, Nikitha Reddy Kesireddy
PHYS 1061, Juliette W. Ioup
PHYS 1061, C. Gregory Seab
PHYS 1062, Weilie Zhou
PHYS 1063, Elijah Adedeji
PHYS 1065, Zhi Zheng
PSYC 1000, Diana Hobbs
PSYC 1000, Andrea Tountas
PSYC 1009, Sonia Rubens
PSYC 1500, Jessica Grande
PSYC 1520, Elliott A. Beaton
SOC 1051, Elise Chatelain
SOC 1051, Lisa Wade
SPAN 1001, Maria Artigas
SPAN 1001, Elaine S. Brooks
SPAN 1001, Celeste E. Conefry
SPAN 1001, James A. McAllister and Lourdes Rincon
SPAN 1001, Dulce M. Menes
SPAN 1001, Clifton Meynard
SPAN 1001, Laura A. Siu
SPAN 1002, James A. McAllister
SPAN 1002, Dulce M. Menes
SPAN 1002, Joke Mondada
URBN 1000, Charles Miller