Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film, Theatre & Communication Arts


Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts

Major Professor

Benoit, Michelle; Leake, Joanna

Second Advisor

Overton, John


This is a story about a man who revenge dates women for hire because he thinks women are only out to hurt men. Bryce has something of an allergic reaction anytime he tries to talk to a woman unless it is under a completely false pretense, in which case he is a woman's worst nightmare: A charming, handsome, heartbreaker. His world gets turned upside down when Bryce, despite his affliction, falls in love with a woman and must undergo painful subterfuge techniques just to be around her. Can a relationship built on pain, survive? Will Bryce give up what he believes in for the love of a gender he's hated his whole life? Is revenge worth it?


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