Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Zhu, Dongxiao

Second Advisor

Summa, Christopher

Third Advisor

Taylor, Christopher


Taxonomic classification has always been important to the study of any biological system. Many biological species will go unclassified and become lost forever at the current rate of classification. The current state of computer technology makes image storage and retrieval possible on a global level. As a result, computer-aided taxonomy is now possible. Content based image retrieval techniques utilize visual features of the image for classification. By utilizing image content and computer technology, the gap between taxonomic classification and species destruction is shrinking. This content based study utilizes the Fourier Descriptors of fifteen known landmark features on three Carpiodes species: C.carpio, C.velifer, and C.cyprinus. Classification analysis involves both unsupervised and supervised machine learning algorithms. Fourier Descriptors of the fifteen known landmarks provide for strong classification power on image data. Feature reduction analysis indicates feature reduction is possible. This proves useful for increasing generalization power of classification.


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