Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban and Regional Planning


Planning and Urban Studies

Major Professor

Thompson, Michelle M.

Second Advisor

Nelson, Marla

Third Advisor

Tubbs, Leah


The Vieux Carré in New Orleans is the second oldest locally designated historic district and serves as a prominent example of local historic preservation efforts; however, the Vieux Carré has a high vacancy rate. This thesis examines the effects of land use policy, including the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and the design review process in the Vieux Carré, on attempts to return vacant buildings to commerce. The author examines three cases of redevelopment attempts of vacant properties in the Vieux Carré. In two of the three cases, constrictions from the Zoning Ordinance not the design review process held up the redevelopment process. The other case identified owner negligence as the cause for failure in the redevelopment attempt.


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