Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Engineering and Applied Science



Major Professor

Li, Linxiong

Second Advisor

Santanilla, Jairo

Third Advisor

Solanky, Tumulesh

Fourth Advisor

Cui, Xiaoling

Fifth Advisor

Jilkov, Vesselin


By testing a fiber beard, certain cotton fiber length parameters can be obtained rapidly. This is the method used by the High Volume Instrument (HVI). This study is aimed to explore the approaches and obtain the inference of length distributions of HVI beard sam- ples in order to develop new methods that can help us find the distribution of original fiber lengths and further improve HVI length measurements. At first, the mathematical functions were searched for describing three different types of length distributions related to the beard method as used in HVI: cotton fiber lengths of the original fiber population before picked by the HVI Fibrosampler, fiber lengths picked by HVI Fibrosampler, and fiber beard's pro-jecting portion that is actually scanned by HVI. Eight sets of cotton samples with a wide range of fiber lengths are selected and tested on the Advanced Fiber Information System (AFIS). The measured single fiber length data is used for finding the underlying theoreti-cal length distributions, and thus can be considered as the population distributions of the cotton samples. In addition, fiber length distributions by number and by weight are dis- cussed separately. In both cases a mixture of two Weibull distributions shows a good fit to their fiber length data. To confirm the findings, Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit tests were conducted. Furthermore, various length parameters such as Mean Length (ML) and Upper Half Mean Length (UHML) are compared between the original distribution from the experimental data and the fitted distributions. The results of these obtained fiber length distributions are discussed by using Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, where the dis-tribution of the original fiber length from the distribution of the projected one is estimated.


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