Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Film, Theatre & Communication Arts - Creative Writing concentration
Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts
Major Professor
Bates, Randolph
Second Advisor
Lackey, Kris
Third Advisor
Gelderman, Carol
The following group of themed essays explores the author's relationship with the many homes she has had. The works are autobiographical, and they begin during the author's childhood as an Air Force Brat. After exploring a series of homes across the United States, including Honolulu, the work focuses on the author's transition from living in many places to life in one city, New Orleans, Louisiana, where the author grew up. This collection also examines homelessness. Just as the author was searching for a new home along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, she became homeless after hurricane Katrina. Although the author had had the opportunity to make many apartments a "home", homelessness offered her the opportunity to explore what it is that makes a house or apartment a home.
Recommended Citation
Molnar, Barbara, "Writing Home" (2011). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 127.
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