Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban Studies


Planning and Urban Studies

Major Professor

Ehrenfeucht, Renia

Second Advisor

Nelson, Marla

Third Advisor

Abbott, Bill


Hip Hop graffiti has been marking our urban landscapes for decades. However street art, a much less researched topic, has claimed notoriety in recent years. Much of the existing research groups hip-hop graffiti, gang graffiti and street art together and calls for a uniform response from communities, city officials and law enforcement. While street artists have made their mark in the urban landscapes of the United States as well as internationally, it is important to define the terms "street art"and "graffiti" and where they deviate from one another in order for cities to begin to address these expressions with any level of success. As municipalities grapple with visual public expression--street art and graffiti--a framework must be established taking into consideration legal parameters for both cities and artists.


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