Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Atkinson, Connie

Second Advisor

Bischof, Gunter

Third Advisor

Kennedy, Albert


This paper will examine the hidden history of the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum and investigate the claims regarding the first licensed pharmacist in the United States. Drawing from legislative, church, medical, legal and institutional records, this study argues that colonial control, such as regulations governing medical practice and licensing requirements, established by continental powers in their overseas colonies, tended to recreate traditions and laws found in the home countries. For instance, the more rigorous licensing requirements for medical professionals, as practiced in France and Spain, were also the custom in Louisiana. However, when Louisiana became part of the Unites States, these regulations were relaxed, reflecting the laissez-faire policy of English laws and custom. This work challenges the bias often found in the presentation of American historical experience that makes claims for English colonial traditions informing the entire American experience.


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