Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Rastgoufard, Parviz

Second Advisor

Leevongwat, Ittiphong

Third Advisor

Charalampidis, Dimitrios


The purpose of this study is to determine a model for analysis of integrating solar generation to the electric grid .The model is then used in determining Harmonics of Integrating solar panels to the electric grid that are based on parallel or series combination of solar cells. To study integration of solar generation to the grid, we have used solar series and solar parallel models in EMTP (Electro Magnetic Transient Program) real time simulation software. When integrating solar generation models to the grid, due to DC to AC conversion and due to variation of solar energy intensity, the electric utility shall experience undesired harmonics that may impact quality of service to other customers in the grid. This study identifies one method of analysis for determining harmonic content of solar panels before solar generation can be integrated in to the electric grid.


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