Date of Award

Fall 12-2011

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film, Theatre & Communication Arts - Creative Writing concentration


Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts

Major Professor

John Hampton Overton

Second Advisor

Henry Griffin

Third Advisor

Erik Hansen


Fisher of Men tells the story of an ancient and secretive group of supernatural balance keepers. When God goes missing, it is up to them to locate him before the armies of Heaven and Hell lay siege to the earth, but they have their own problems. When knowledge of a secret weapon surfaces, they are tasked to find it and destroy it before it falls into the hands of either side. The secret weapon is Charitie Newman, a young woman from rural Indiana who moved to New Orleans with her sister. Charitie has special abilities that have no limits, and after her sister is brutally murdered, she agrees to join forces with the group in order to find God--and her sister's murderer.


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