Date of Award

Spring 5-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Richard Johnson

Second Advisor

Cheryl Hayes

Third Advisor

Ariya Martin



This thesis explores the progression of my work through my graduate studies at the University of New Orleans. I examine the central psychological themes of the human experience. Through painting, drawing, printmaking, and sculpture, I investigate various ways of translating personal and universal experiences into open-ended visual allegories. These psychological narratives are intended to function ambiguously- allowing the viewer to develop their own ideas and responses to the work. Using the figure paired with symbols and also using mass-produced common objects to function as the figure; placing them in ambiguous environments, I juxtapose physical and psychological spaces that evoke emotions, experiences, memories, and identity.

Key words: Sculpture, Drawings, Monotypes, Human Experience, Psychological Space


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