Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum and Instruction
Major Professor
Speaker, Richard
Second Advisor
Bedford-Whatley, April
Third Advisor
Spillett, Marydee
Fourth Advisor
Casbergue, Renee
Fifth Advisor
DeSanti, Roger
Data collection included the following primary data streams: large group and small group class discussions, electronic submissions of personal reflections, answers to teacherresearcher- generated questions and questions and answers to student-generated questions posted to a Yahoo Discussion Group, a Character Analysis document using Powerpoint, and an audiotape of a whole class discussion. Also included in the data streams was an excerpt of an audiotaped session of a whole class discussion of a segment of the novel. All of the above activities were based on the novel, Life is So Good, by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman. Data collection also included audio-tapes of interviews of the focal students. Preliminary analysis of data streams for the focal students revealed the emergence of six themes based on participants' perceptions of the impact of technology integration in a Developmental Reading Course: participants perceived the advantages of using technology to enhance learning in, and beyond, their Developmental Reading Course; participants perceived the difficulties/disadvantages regarding the use of technology in the course; students expressed a gradual development or increase in competence and comfort with the use of technology through the course; students expressed a general preference for the use of computers rather than pen and paper in completion of course assignments; students valued their technology experience enough to express a need for extending policy throughout the University; and, students expressed increased motivation regarding completion of course assignments when using technology. Moreover, two meta-themes emerged based on a re-analysis of the data: technology motivated participants to perform in ways that they never had before; and technology engaged participants through computer-based assignments to the extent that they exhibited characteristics associated with active learning styles. Results showed that participants generally exhibited limited participation in regular classroom discussions and activities, but exhibited active and engaged participation in completing computer-based, content-driven course assignments and activities throughout the course of the study.
Recommended Citation
Darby, Deborah, "Under-Prepared College Students' Perceptions of the Impact of Technology Integration in a Developmental Reading Course" (2004). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 155.
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