Date of Award

Fall 12-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Biological Sciences


Biological Sciences

Major Professor

Dr. Mary Clancy

Second Advisor

Dr. Wendy Schluchter

Third Advisor

Dr. Zhengchang Liu


In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ime4 is a protein that is induced during meiosis and has a primary role in regulating sporulation in starving diploids. One function of Ime4 is methylation of adenosine residues within mRNA transcripts. Recent studies have shown Ime4 to be induced in haploids during the mating response, although its role in mating has not been determined. In this report, I identify the subcellular localization of Ime4 during the mating response through treatment with alpha factor. A plasmid containing IME4-GFP under the control of the medium strength promoter CYC1 was created in order to express the protein in a controlled manner. Lastly, mutational analysis was conducted to determine which regions of the protein were necessary for its nuclear localization, aggregation, and sporulation function.


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