Date of Award

Fall 12-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Bhaskar Kura

Second Advisor

Dr. Patricia Williams

Third Advisor

Dr. Gianna Cothren


Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is notable for its toxicity and corrosion is one of the major sources of odor in wastewater treatment plants. Evaluation of existing or potential odor problems requires knowledge of the type of compounds likely to cause such problems and the mechanism of their formation in wastewater systems which is discussed in this paper. For the present study, the East Bank wastewater treatment plant was chosen since it is the largest wastewater treatment facility within Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. To combat the odor problems in this facility, a monitoring program was designed and developed to characterize the severity of the problem. The program involved continuous ambient monitoring followed by careful evaluation of the data obtained from sample collection and analysis. Different instruments were strategically placed within the facility after a hot-spot analysis to determine the major sources of odor generation.


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