Date of Award

Spring 5-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Professor Enrique LaMotta

Second Advisor

Dr. John A McCorquodale

Third Advisor

Dr. Bhaskar Kura


This thesis presents the design and analysis of photo-electro catalytic oxidation technology for its potential use in water treatment applications. Doping titanium dioxide can effectively improve oxidative reactions. Using minute reactor design adjustments, such as electrolysis, the bases of degrading soluble organic compounds can be improved within the reactor. Applications of doping and secondary catalysis are effective in increasing the process of photoactivity within the catalytic reactor, theoretically increasing the production of sacrificial electron acceptors. Higher degradation's were accomplished using doped chromium titanium dioxide photocatalyst, which degraded significantly larger amounts of organics compared with pure titanium dioxide. Techniques used to accomplish the increased photo-reactivity were doping chromium (III) ion into titanium dioxide crystal lattices and silver ions into the photocatalytic coat. Degradation curves were determined by total organic carbon and the chemical oxygen demand. Calculations of the final rate constants show that lighter molar concentrations have higher rates of degradation.


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