Date of Award

Summer 8-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Shengru Tu


We propose that most data stores for large organizations are ill-designed for the future, due to limited searchability of the databases. The study of the Semantic Web has been an emerging technology since first proposed by Berners-Lee. New vocabularies have emerged, such as FOAF, Dublin Core, and PROV-O ontologies. These vocabularies, combined, can relate people, places, things, and events. Technologies developed for the Semantic Web, namely the standardized vocabularies for expressing metadata, will make data easier to utilize. We gathered use cases for various data sources, from human resources to big enterprise. Most of our use cases reflect real-world data. We developed a software package for transforming data into these semantic vocabularies, and developed a method of querying via graphical constructs. The development and testing proved itself to be useful. We conclude that data can be preserved or revived through the use of the metadata techniques for the Semantic Web.


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