Date of Award

Summer 8-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Earth and Environmental Sciences


Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

Dr. Mark Kulp

Second Advisor

Dr. Ioannis Georgiou

Third Advisor

Dr. Michael Miner


Tidal inlets play a significant role in barrier island sustainability along the barrier islands of southern Louisiana. With increasing tidal prism, major changes are taking place within and adjacent to the inlets. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Caminada Pass, a tidal inlet along the Caminada-Moreau headland, has evolved through time. Fundamental to this effort is evaluating which processes have contributed toward inlet evolution and what is the response of the inlet-bordering barrier island shorelines of Grand Isle and Elmer’s Island. This effort summarizes previous results and utilizes published bathymetric data, aerial photographs, vector shorelines, satellite images, and seafloor grab samples. The intent of this research is to document the variety of data that are available for future studies of Caminada Pass, an evaluation of long and short-term changes to the system, and an overall better understanding of the inlet dynamics of Caminada Pass.


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Included in

Geomorphology Commons
