Date of Award

Fall 12-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Major Professor

Taravella, Brandon M.

Second Advisor

Birk, Lothar

Third Advisor

McKesson, Chris B.


The pressures and impact forces acting on a hull while experiencing bow wave slamming is analyzed using Vorus' Impact Theory. The theory extends the hydrodynamic analysis of planing hulls from simple wedges to irregular shapes using a Boundary Element Method. A Fortran-based code developed by the Author is used to analyze hullforms. Linear strip theory is used to extend the analysis over a three dimensional hull. Post-processing of output data gives hull pressure distributions at different time steps and is visually presentable.

Impact pressure, Impact force, Planing, Wave slamming, Bow impact, Vorus' theory, Boundary Element Method, Linear strip theory


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