Date of Award

Spring 5-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Nikolas Xiros

Second Advisor

Dr. Lothar birk

Third Advisor

Dr. Brandon M. Taravella


Electromechanical systems dynamics analysis is approached through nonlinear differential equations and further creating a state space model for the system. There are three modules analyzed and validated, first module consists two magnet coupled with a mass spring damper system as a band-pass system, Low-pass equivalent system and Low-pass equivalent system through perturbation analysis. Initially Band Pass frameworks for the systems are formulated considering the relation between the mechanical forcing and current. Using Mathematical tools such as Hilbert transforms, Low-Pass equivalent of the systems are derived. The state equations of the systems are then used to design a working model in MATLAB and simulations investigated completely. The scope of the modules discussed for further development of tools various applications.


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