Date of Award

Spring 5-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Shengru Tu

Second Advisor

Md Tamjidul Hoque

Third Advisor

Vassil Roussev


The United States Army Corp of Engineers relies on accurate and detailed surface models for various construction projects and preventative measures. To aid in these efforts, it is necessary to work for advancements in surface model creation. Current methods for model creation include Delaunay triangulation, raster grid interpolation, and Hydraulic Spline grid generation. While these methods produce adequate surface models, attempts for improved methods can still be made.

A method for raster based spline creation is presented as a variation of the Hydraulic Spline algorithm. By implementing Hydraulic Splines in raster data instead of vector data, the model creation process is streamlined. This method is shown to be more efficient and less computationally expensive than previous methods of surface model creation due to the inherent advantages of raster data over vector data.


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