Date of Award

Fall 12-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

William Simmons

Second Advisor

Alexander Falster

Third Advisor

Karen Webber


The garnet line is a planar fabric occuring within the intermediate and core zone in many of the Oxford County, Maine pegmatites. This study focuses primarily on the textural and chemical characteristics of the garnet line within the Mt. Mica and western Mt. Apatite quarries. Smaller, but similarly textured garnet line analogs from the Bennett, Emmons, Havey and Tamminen quarries are also investigated. All of these textures represent specific fractionation events within their respective dikes. In some of these locations, multiple stages of crystallization occur and appear to be post-magmatic, related to late stage metasomatism. These late stage fluids are believed to have migrated from localized and highly evolved regions within these pegmatites. The garnet line at Mt. Mica has the greatest diversity of secondary mineral assemblages, e.g. tourmaline and/or muscovite rims around garnets and ferric pollucite. None of these late stage textures have ever been described before.


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