Date of Award

Fall 12-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Tony Campbell

Second Advisor

Kathryn Rodriguez

Third Advisor

Rebecca Reynolds


How a person is treated because of their gender is potentially very frustrating. I use bird plumage patterns to illustrate humans as animals and idioms in language to illustrate these ideas.

The artworks by Natalie McLaurin mentioned in the paper are You didn’t see me, Untitled. Nancy Horne, Don’t be such a Nostradamus Wild Beast, Don’t be such a Nostradamus Man Beast, Don’t be such a Nostradamus Air Beast, Don’t be such a Nostradamus Domesticated Beast, Ballet Lessons, Throwing a Fit and Falling in it, Gravel Kick, Cocksure, Peckerhead, Mockery, Naked as a Jaybird, Naked as a Jaybird too, Naked as a Jaybird as well,Tennessee Trash, Tennessee Trash State Animal, the Raccoon, Beard Measuring Contest, Cockery Mockery, He needs me, Chaka Kahn thinks she is the mocking bird of babes, Territorial Peckerhead, Tennessee, Territorial Peckerhead, Bed-Stuy, and Territorial Peckerhead, 7th Ward.


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