Date of Award

Fall 12-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Allan R. Millett, Ph. D.

Second Advisor

Connie Zeanah Atkinson, Ph. D.

Third Advisor

Mark Davis Kuss, J.D., Ph. D.



This thesis is concerned with the question of how America’s citizen soldiers are remembered and how their services can be interpreted through monuments and memorials. The paper discusses the concept of memory and the functions of memorialization. It explores whether and how monuments and memorials portray the difficulties, hardships, horror, costs, and consequences of armed combat. The political motivations behind the design, formation and establishment of the edifices are also probed. The paper considers the Vietnam War monuments and memorials erected by Americans and Vietnam expatriates in New Orleans, Louisiana, and examines their illustrative and educational usefulness. Results reflect that although political benefits accrued from the realization of the memorial structures in question, far more important, palliative and meaningful motives brought about their construction. They also demonstrate that, when understood, monuments and memorials can be historically useful.


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