Date of Award

Spring 5-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Kazim M Akyuzlu


A two-dimensional (2-D), mathematical model is adopted to investigate the development of circulation patterns for compressible, laminar, and shear driven flow inside a rectangular cavity. The bottom of the cavity is free to move at a specified speed and the aspect ratio of the cavity is changed from 1.0 to 1.5. The vertical sides and the bottom of the cavity are assumed insulated. The cavity is filled with a compressible fluid with Prandtl number, Pr =1. The governing equations are solved numerically using the commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package ANSYS FLUENT 2015 and compared with the results for the primitive variables of the problem obtained using in house CFD code based on Coupled Modified Strongly Implicit Procedure (CMSIP). The simulations are carried out for the unsteady, lid driven cavity flow problem with moving boundary (bottom) for different Reynolds number, Mach numbers, bottom velocities and high initial pressure and temperature.


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