Date of Award

Summer 8-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Charalampidis, Dimitrios

Second Advisor

Jilkov, Vesselin

Third Advisor

Jovanovich, Kim


The purpose of this thesis is to study and investigate a practical and efficient implementation of corner orientation detection using multisteerable filters. First, practical theory involved in applying multisteerable filters for corner orientation estimation is presented. Methods to improve the efficiency with which multisteerable corner filters are applied to images are investigated and presented. Prior research in this area presented an optimization equation for determining the best match of corner orientations in images; however, little research has been done on optimization techniques to solve this equation. Optimization techniques to find the maximum response of a similarity function to determine how similar a corner feature is to a multioriented corner template are also explored and compared in this research.


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