Date of Award

Fall 12-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Connie Atkinson

Second Advisor

Robert Dupont

Third Advisor

Charles Chamberlain


Jill Jackson was one of the first female sports journalists and a pioneer voice for women in athletics. Although heretofore overlooked in the history of American sports journalism, the story of her career is an addition not only to the historiography of female sports journalists but also to the broader study of women in the mid-twentieth century. Jackson was admired, a hard worker, from a prominent New Orleans family, and well educated, yet she still was treated unequally in her primary workspace—the press box. Jackson left well-documented story to the Nadine Vorhoff Library and Special Collections at Newcomb College Institute in New Orleans. The collection, comprised of scrapbooks, photographs, letters, and newspaper articles, reveal the struggles and rewards of her impressive career.


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