Date of Award

Fall 12-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Ittiphong Leevongwat

Second Advisor

Dr. Parviz Rastgoufard

Third Advisor

Dr. Ebrahim Amiri


With Power System being restructured in the vision of Smart Grid, it is important now more than ever to find suitable locations to place Distributed Generators (DG). Distributed generators, which may be renewable, are not limited to specific locations as in the case of conventional generators. Several papers have been published that make suggestions on where the optimal location of DG should be in a system. Objectives ranging from loss minimization to total cost minimization have been the factor for such studies. In this study, a new method is introduced that hopes to improve a current system in three ways by maximizing load, minimizing the locational marginal price and improving line contingency scenarios. The proposed methodology is simulated using MATPOWER’s Optimal Power Flow on the IEEE 14 bus test system.


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