Date of Award

Spring 5-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Dr Stephen Ware

Second Advisor

Dr Christopher Summa

Third Advisor

Dr Tamjidul Hoque


We have designed a simulation that can be used to train police officers. Digital simulations are more cost-effective than a human role play. Use of force decisions are complex and made quickly, so there is a need for better training and innovative methods. Using this simulation, we are measuring the degree of presence that a human experience in a virtual environment. More presence implies better training. Participants are divided into two groups in which one group performs the experiment using a screen, keyboard, and mouse, and another uses virtual reality controls. In this experiment, we use subjective measurements and physiological measurements. We offer a questionnaire to participants before and after play. We also record the participants change in heart rate, skin conductivity and skin temperature using Empatica device. By comparing the data collected from both groups, we prove that people experience more presence in the virtual environment.


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