Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Ma, Jing

Second Advisor

Bourgeois, Edit

Third Advisor

Huang, Xinming


In wireless communication, MIMO (multiple input multiple output) is one of the promising technologies which improves the range and performance of transmission without increasing the bandwidth, while providing high rates. High speed hardware MIMO decoders are one of the keys to apply this technology in applications. In order to support the high data rates, the underlying hardware must have significant processing capabilities. FPGA improves the speed of signal processing using parallelism and reconfigurability advantages. The objective of this thesis is to develop an efficient hardware architectural model for the universal lattice decoder and prototype it on FPGA. The original algorithm is modified to ensure the high data rate via taking the advantage of FPGA features. The simulation results of software, hardware are verified and the BER performance of both the algorithms is estimated. The system prototype of the decoder with 4-transmit and 4-receive antennas using a 4-PAM (Pulse amplitude modulation) supports 6.32 Mbit/s data rate for parallelpipeline implementation on FPGA platform, which is about two orders of magnitude faster than its DSP implementation.


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