Date of Award

Summer 8-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Civil Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

John Alex McCorquodale

Second Advisor

Malay Ghose Hajra

Third Advisor

Norma Jean Mattei

Fourth Advisor

Ioannis Y Georgiou


In this thesis the Ramberg-Osgood nonlinear model for describing the behavior of many different materials is investigated. A brief overview of the model as it is currently used in the literature is undertaken and several misunderstandings and possible pitfalls in its application is pointed out, especially as it pertains to more recent approaches to finding solutions involving the model. There is an investigation of the displacement of a cantilever beam under a combined loading consisting of a distributed load across the entire length of the beam and a point load at its end and new solutions to this problem are provided with a mixture of numerical techniques, which suggest strong mathematical consistency within the model for all theoretical assumptions made. A physical experiment was undertaken and the results prove to be inaccurate when using parameters derived from tensile tests, but when back calculating parameters from the beam test the model has a 14.40% error at its extreme against the experimental data suggesting the necessity for further testing.


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