Date of Award

Fall 12-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Parviz Rastgoufard

Second Advisor

Dr. Ittiphong Leevongwat

Third Advisor

Dr. Ibrahim Amiri


The purpose of this thesis is to use automation to create appropriate models in PSS/E with the data from Hardware-in-Loop real-time simulations. With the increase in technology of power electronics, the use of High Voltage Direct Current Technology and Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System devices in the electrical power system have increased tremendously. Static Var Compensators are widely used and it is important to have accurate and reliable models for studies relating to power systems planning and interaction. An automation method is proposed to find the parameters of an SVC model in PSS/E with the data from the Hardware-in- loop real-time simulation of the SVC physical controller using Hypersim. The effect of the SVC on the system under steady state and fault conditions are analyzed with HIL simulation of an SVC physical controller in Hypersim and its corresponding model in PSS/E in the IEEE 14 bus system. The parameters of the SVC model in PSS/E can be effectively varied to bring its response closer to that of the response from HIL simulations in Hypersim. An error function is used as a measure to understand the extent of difference between the model and the physical controller.


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