Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Chaudhry, Nauman

Second Advisor

Tu, Shengru

Third Advisor

Roussev, Vassil


Single-Request/Multiple-Response (SRMR) is an important messaging exchange pattern because it can be used to model many real world problems elegantly. However, SRMR messaging is not directly supported by Web services, and, since it requires Callback to function it is hampered by current in-practice security schemes, such as firewalls and proxy servers. In this thesis, a framework will be proposed to support SRMR and Callback in the context of Web services and the realities of network security. The central component of the proposed solution is a Clearinghouse Web service (CWS), which serves as a communication proxy and realizes the correlation of responses with requests. One and only one CWS will be needed per enterprise that wishes to handle any number of SRMR Web services and their respective clients. Using the framework and related code generation utilities, a non-trivial case study, a Purchase Order System, has been implemented.


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