Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Creative Writing



Major Professor

Randolph Bates

Second Advisor

Richard Goodman

Third Advisor

Erik Hansen


A memoir that focuses on the complications of growing as the only daughter of a mother from Okinawa and a father from the United States. They met at a nightclub, where her mother worked as a waitress, outside an Army base, where her father was stationed during U.S. Military occupation of the island. These marriages between Okinawan women and U.S. Servicemen have been quite common since 1945, after the Battle of Okinawa, when a massive complex of bases was first established. Okinawan women must leave their homes and their families to follow their husbands to the United States, where they are faced with challenges of racism, language barriers and isolation. Their children often grow up rejecting and resenting their Okinawan identities, causing further alienation.


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Available for download on Thursday, May 18, 2028

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