Date of Award

Spring 5-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Earth and Environmental Sciences


Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

Georgiou, Ioannis

Second Advisor

Kulp, Mark

Third Advisor

Howes, Nick


Deltas are important coastal systems throughout the world. River mouth bars are key landforms in the development of deltas, are characterized by sediment deposition, and have high potential for sediment preservation. Scientists and professionals seek to understand the discrete response of mouth bars to the various controls governing their evolution. This study utilizes the numerical modelling software Delft3D to provide additional evidence supporting the morphological and stratigraphic responses resulting from variations in basin configurations and allogenic controls (fluvial discharge, tides, basin width). Mud content within the bar increased analogous to an increase in the tidal modulation, while a decrease in the initial basin depth reduced mud content. Initial basin slope and lateral confinement had less obvious impacts on stratigraphy. Finally, variable fluvial discharge and the incorporation of realistic tidal harmonics produced similar bar morphologies (compared to simulations with constant flow and sinusoidal tides), yet demonstrated significant differences in bar stratigraphy.


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Included in

Sedimentology Commons
