Date of Award

Spring 5-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Linxiong Li

Second Advisor

Xiaochuan Yu

Third Advisor

Jairo Santanilla


Dropped object are defined as any object that fall under its own weight from a previously static position or fell due to an applied force from equipment or a moving object. It is among the top ten causes of injuries and fatality in oil and gas industry. To solve this problem, several in-house tools and guidelines is developed over time to assess the risk of dropped objects on the sub-sea structures. This thesis focuses on compiling and comparing those methods in hope to improve the recommended practices available in the market. A simple modification is done on the in-house tools to better predict the landing point distribution of the dropped cylindrical objects on the seabed by imposing the random three-dimensional rotation around the water depth axis. This tool is then used to compare the result of annual hit frequency using the recommended practice and further compared with the available experimental data.


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