Date of Award

Summer 8-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Boyd-Rioux, Anne

Second Advisor

Steeby, Elizabeth

Third Advisor

Adams, Kate


Abstract Over the last fifty years scholars have worked to recover the work of late nineteenth, early twentieth-century writer Alice Dunbar-Nelson. Many scholars have acknowledged the impact of New Orleans culture and history in her writing as well as attempted peel back the layers of her stories in order to understand her commentary on structures of race, class, and gender in nineteenth-century New Orleans. This hybrid paper, both creative and academic, subjective and objective, is a reading of her work through the Creole lens. Reading Alice Dunbar-Nelson through a Creole lens illuminates the radical nature of her work which has not always been seen through alternative lenses. This paper is a viewing of the work of Dunbar-Nelson from the marginal space which it illustrates and from which it comes. Through personal narrative and analytical thought this paper explores a different approach to literary criticism.


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