Date of Award

Summer 8-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Ioup, Juliette


Introduced in this paper is the time difference of arrival (TDoA) conic approximation method (TCAM), a technique for passive localization in three dimensions with unknown starting conditions. The TDoA of a mutually detected signal across pairs of detectors is used to calculate the relative angle between the signal source and the center point of the separation between the detectors in the pair. The relative angle is calculated from the TDoA using a mathematical model called the TDoA approximation of the zenith angle (TAZA). The TAZA angle defines the opening angle of a conic region of probability that contains the signal source, produced by each detector pair. The intersecting region of probability is determined from the conic regions of probability and represents the volumetric region with the highest probability of containing the signal source. TCAM was developed and tested using synthetic data in a simulated environment.


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