Date of Award

Fall 12-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Dr Ebrahim Amiri


This thesis is concerned with the design and analysis of Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) and its improved structure Double Stator Switched Reluctance Motor (DSSRM). Three configurations of SRM viz. Inner Stator, Outer stator and Double Stator are designed and simulated in ANSYS Maxwell Suite. Design parameters are chosen by aiming optimum performance of motor after literature review and analytical study of the motor. SRM is not a line start machine, so power converter circuit is required to excite the motor. Without proper switching of current, desired torque is not obtained in SRM. The converter circuit and switching unit is built in Maxwell Circuit Editor Tools. Both magnetostatics and transient analysis is performed to investigate motion torque, torque ripple, normal force and radial force. A good comprehensive comparison of three different types of SRMs based on their torque profile and force densities is presented. Simulation performed verified better performance of DSSRM.


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