Date of Award

Fall 12-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Applied Physics



Major Professor

Dr. Juliette Ioup

Second Advisor

Dr. Stan Chin-Bing

Third Advisor

Dr. Paul Elmore

Fourth Advisor

Chris Mire


A challenge in Underwater Acoustics is identifying the independent variables associated with an environment’s ambient noise. A strict definition of ambient noise would focus on non-transient signatures and exclude transient impacts from marine mammals, pelagic fish species, man-made sources, or weather events such as precipitation or wind speeds. Recognizing transient signatures in acoustic spectra is an essential element for providing environmental intelligence to the U.S. Navy, specifically the acoustic signatures from meteorological events. While weather event detection in acoustic spectra has been shown in previous studies, leveraging these concepts via U.S. Navy assets is largely an unknown. Environmental intelligence collection can be improved by detecting precipitation events and establishing wind velocities with acoustic signatures. This will further improve meteorological models by enabling validation from both manned and unmanned sub-surface assets.


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