Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Golden Richard

Second Advisor

Mind-Hsing Chiu

Third Advisor

Adlai DePano


Electronic tourism is a new type of application that provides information, often location-based, to tourists. The information includes route guidance, listings of nearby points of interest, guided tours with multimedia presentations and experiences shared by visitors. E-tourism applications can also include storing sound and images recorded by visitors. An architecture to support e-tourism called 'UbiTour' is presented in this dissertation. UbiTour provides different services to visitors such as location-based information, route-guidance, announcements and visitor collaboration.

UbiTour aims at using 3G for ubiquitous connectivity and WLAN for high-speed, local information, running on a PDA. WLAN, specifically 802.11, provides a high-bandwidth, broadcast-based connection over a very limited area, while 3G provides a ubiquitous, though lower speed, connection across large metropolitan areas. The services provided by UbiTour have different requirements and constraints, some better suited for WLAN and others for 3G. By seamlessly combining the two technologies, UbiTour can provide a powerful electronic tour guide.


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