Date of Award

Spring 5-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

Erik Hansen

Second Advisor

Henry Griffin

Third Advisor

Laura Medina

Fourth Advisor

Katie Garagiola



The goal of this paper is to provide insight into the development and execution of the short film, Timelocked. I will focus on the complete process of the film’s creation, from the first inspiration of the idea through its planning, its production and, finally, its use beyond submission to my thesis committee for consideration. The most significant challenge for this project was remaining true to the story’s genre, tone, and theme throughout each iteration of its development. Therefore, the structure of the paper will serve to describe the entire process with respect to the preservation of these three aspects. My goal is to prove mastery in the fine art of film production by creating a film which effectively shows deep understanding of the time-travel sub-genre of science-fiction films, while subverting that sub-genre in a unique way, causing an emotional effect in the audience.


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