Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Biological Sciences


Biological Sciences

Major Professor

Michael A. Poirrier

Second Advisor

Joseph Pechmann

Third Advisor

Shea Penland


The general goals of this study were to evaluate transplant methods for Lake Pontchartrain submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) restoration, and to compare survival and expansion of transplanted SAV among four sites. Two experiments were conducted from summer 2000 through spring 2001 at two north shore and two south shore sites in Lake Pontchartrain. Experiment 1 involved testing the effects of transplanting with matting, staples, exclosures, and interspecific interaction on survival and expansion of Ruppia maritima and Vallisneria americana transplants in Lake Pontchartrain. Experiment 2 involved testing the effects of transplanting with matting, staples, and plugs on Ruppia survival and expansion. After transplanting, areal coverage was monitored in fall 2000 and spring 2001.

Unusually high salinities and high wave energy caused Vallisneria numbers to rapidly decrease after transplanting. Matting always had equal or greater Ruppia coverage than staples. Exclosure treatments had no effect on Ruppia coverage. No significant biological interaction was detected between species.

Matting provided a stable substrate for Ruppia while staple and plug treatments succumbed to the high-energy environment of Lake Pontchartrain. High wave energy and eutrophication were responsible for the loss of all south shore transplants.


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