Date of Award

Fall 12-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Engineering and Applied Science



Major Professor

Dr. Ashok Puri

Second Advisor

Dr. Seab

Third Advisor

Dr. Juliette Ioup

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Sal Buccioni

Fifth Advisor

Dr. Dimitrios Charalampidis


In this work we study vertical, acoustic propagation in a non-homogeneous media for a spatially-compact, time-harmonic source. An analytical, 2-layer model is developed representing the acoustic pressure disturbance propagating in the atmosphere. The validity of the model spans the distance from the Earth's surface to 30,000 meters. This includes the troposphere (adiabatic), ozone layer (isothermal), and part of the stratosphere (isothermal). The results of the model derivation in the adiabatic region yield pressure solutions as Bessel functions of the First (J) and Second (Y) Kind of order $-\frac{7}{2}$ with an argument of $2 \Omega \tau$ (where $\Omega$ represents a dimensionless frequency and $\tau$ is a dimensionless vertical height in z (vertical coordinate)). For an added second layer (isothermal region), the pressure solution is a decaying sinusoidal, exponential function above the first layer.

In particular, the vertical, acoustic propagation is examined for various configurations. These are divided into 2 basic classes. The first class consists of examining the pressure response function when the source is located on boundary interfaces, while the second class consists of situations where the source is arbitrarily located within a finite layer. In all instances, a time-harmonic, compact source is implicitly understood. However, each class requires a different method of solution. The first class conforms to a general boundary value problem, while the second requires the use of Green's functions method.

In investigating problems of the first class, 3 different scenarios are examined. In the first case, we apply our model to a semi-infinite medium with a time-harmonic source ($e^{-i \omega t}$) located on the ground. In the next 2 cases, a semi-infinite medium is overlain on the previous medium at a height of z=13,000 meters. Thus, there exist two boundaries: the ground and the layer interface between the 2 media. Sources placed at these interfaces represent the 2nd and 3rd scenarios, respectively. The solutions to all 3 cases are of the form $A \frac{J_{-\frac{7}{2}}(2 \Omega \tau)}{{\tau}^{-\frac{7}{2}}} + B \frac{Y_{-\frac{7}{2}}(2 \Omega \tau)}{{\tau}^{-\frac{7}{2}}}$, where \textit{A} and \textit{B} are constants determined by the boundary conditions.

For the 2nd class, we examine the application to a time-harmonic, compact source placed arbitrarily within the 1st layer. The method of Green's functions is used to obtain a particular solution for the model equations. This result is compared with a Fast Field Program (FFP) which was developed to test these solutions. The results show that the response given by the Green's function compares favorably with that of the FFP.

Keywords: Linear Acoustics, Inhomogeneous Medium, Layered Atmosphere, Boundary Value Problem, Green's Function Method


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