Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Malay Ghose Hajra

Second Advisor

John Alex McCorquodale

Third Advisor

Ioannis Georgiou


A 2-D DELFT3D model was developed to address the morphological response of Barataria Bay, the sediment deposition rate in the receiving basin, and the impact on the existing distributary channels within the broken marsh system due to the proposed Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion. The model had a mesh size sufficient to accurately represent the development of the distributary channels, localized flooding, erosion, and salinity in the basin. The model predicts that the receiving basin will experience extensive erosion during the first year the diversion is open creating three major distributary pathways which flood much of the basin in freshwater. Most locations experience peak flood stage when the diversion reaches its peak capacity after which flood stage tends to decrease. The area of open water near the diversion opening will experience higher suspended sediment concentrations than those in the diversion due to the erosion of the receiving basin.


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