Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Hospitality & Tourism Management


Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Administration

Major Professor

Han Chen

Second Advisor

Yvette Green

Third Advisor

Bridget Bordelon


Airbnb has become a dominant player in the sharing economy. Authenticity is one of Airbnb’s fundamental key factor, but recent hospitality studies lack addressing types of hosts and how they compare in terms of different dimensions of authenticity affecting consumers’ trust in hosts. The current study identifies two types of Airbnb hosts, individual hosts and company hosts, and aims to examine the role of authenticity and trust in hosts on consumer’s intention to revisit and recommend Airbnb. The findings suggest that there exist positive relationships between dimensions of authenticity and trust in hosts and between trust in hosts and behavioral intentions. The relationship between existential authenticity and trust in hosts is strengthened for company hosts than for individual hosts. The study may contribute to P2P literature portfolio in terms of types of hosts and provide implications to both P2P individual hosts and company hosts.


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