Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Civil Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Malay Ghose Hajra

Second Advisor

Dr. Norma Jean Mattei

Third Advisor

Dr. Engin Egeseli


Extra-tropical (ETC) and tropical cyclones (TC) pose potential risks to offshore wind farms along the U.S. Atlantic coast, where the offshore wind energy industry is gaining momentum. This research aims to evaluate the stability of large diameter offshore wind turbine monopile foundations under these extreme conditions using the governing industry practice in IEC 61400-3-1. To quantify the risk at U.S. Atlantic coast wind energy areas (WEAs), the ETC and TC impact frequency and intensity are identified using the NHC Historical Hurricane Tracks Archive. Numerical simulations in Plaxis 3D are performed on foundations ranging from 8 to 12 meters in diameter embedded in medium dense sand. Storm conditions correspond to Saffir-Simpson category 1 through 4 wind speeds and associated metocean criteria. A database of foundation mudline rotation and deflection is presented for each storm intensity, turbine size and water depth. The anticipated monopile foundation stability is then predicted for each WEA.


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