Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Major Professor

Xiaochuan Yu

Second Advisor

Lothar Birk

Third Advisor

Nikolas Xiros


Monte Carlo (MC) method is one of the commonly used methods to study stochastic statistical problems in the field of marine engineering. There is no doubt that MC’s greatest advantage is its accuracy. However, as a method of using random numbers (or more common pseudo-random numbers) to solve calculation problems, its slow calculation speed is criticized, and its accuracy also depends on the selection of appropriate random times. The equations of the cylindrical motion with three degrees of freedom (surge, heave and pitch) in this article are formulated into a state space model. It is assumed that the small changes in its initial state (including the velocity and inclination of each degree) follow a Gaussian distribution. Linear prediction problems can be solved by using the MC method and unscented transformation (UT), then a satisfactory result can be obtained by comparing the advantages and disadvantages between them. Numerical results in published papers show that the UT method is accurate in predicting the results of cylinders that fall freely into water.


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