Date of Award

Summer 8-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Ting Wang

Second Advisor

Dr. Kazim M. Akuyzlu

Third Advisor

Dr. Martin J. Guillot


Due to the increase in energy needs all over the world, many nations do not have sufficient indigenous energy resources and have turned towards importing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). LNG production is an energy intensive process that produces a lot of wasted heat. The objective of this study is to review the current LNG processes and identify areas of improvement. To begin with, this study analyzes wasted energy recovery methods currently used in various power plants, followed by validation of the capability of the software, Thermoflex, against the published performance data of various power plants and corresponding gas cleanup processes. Finally, a four-stage cascade refrigerant cycle to produce LNG was created via Thermoflex and the concept of using a combined cycle to utilize the wasted heat from the gas turbine was implemented. The results showed that about 47% of the waste energy can be recovered from the existing LNG plant.


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Available for download on Saturday, July 18, 2026
