Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Drama and Communications


Drama and Communications

Major Professor

Louis J. Dezseran

Second Advisor

James Ragland

Third Advisor

Beverly Peery


This thesis presents a record of the history of the Ethiopian Theatre from its beginning in 1973 though 1979. It traces and studies the educational validity and essential contributions to the New Orleans community.

The basis for this study is derived mainly from the theatre's organizers, Monroe and Anthony Bean. Together they define the purpose, goals and structure of the Ethiopian Theatre.

The record exhibits the types of activities and productions performed, reviews and coverage by the media, and the community's reactions and support.

It also examines the techniques and methods employed by the directors in the development of believable stage characters in inexperienced actors.

It observes the growth in the numbers of productions, programs and activities performed and focuses on the problem of survival with limited funding. This study concludes with what has actually been accomplished and what Ethiopian is striving for in future years.


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